This afternoon's conversation resolved itself in the late evening after I started with a simple comment while walking laps at Pineville High School Stadium. Only thing I hate worse than these long 24 laps at the high school track is being fat! Stab me in the neck! Last lap! With that said, my friends seemed to encourage my resolve. My friend Linda in Shreveport encouraged me to "Keep up the good work," and Beverly in Monroe chimed in "keep up the good fight lol!" Knowing she had just recently asked for prayer because of a health set back of her own, I responded to both saying, "I have to, ladies. I'm still fat! Not as, but still. Lol. Thank you for your encouragement. And Beverly? I have remembered you in my prayers. You do what you need to do, too! Beverly told me thanks, and that she felt much better today. And thus we began to share
My high school friend Kent, in Baton Rouge asked, "Doesn't it feel good when you finish that last lap?" I couldn't lie. I told the truth to the best of my ability! "Absolutely, Kent! I get to eat more for supper when I exercise." He then encouraged me to be sure that I the right things. He shared that he walks at least 3 miles a day and is still losing weight, stating he was down by about 65 pounds with only 15 pounds to go before he achieved his goal. Of course I was surprised and told him that we are parallel with each other. I was down 70 pounds to 239. My goal is 225 and the closest I've gotten so far is 236. and that I had weighed 240 just a few ago after this workout... Of course with our exchange on the facebook format there are the usual likes that basically acknowledges agreement.
A friend I have grown close to over the last several months is a lady I refer to as my Conservative Yankee, Suzanne. As she scanned mine and Kent's exchange, she chimed in stating, " I was fit and very thin years ago...all that exercise destroyed my knees, ankles and feet. Now my aerobic exercise is hoisting my considerable heft with two arms and one arthritic leg (due to dancing/aerobics) to keep from any weight on the torn ligament in my right foot. Sigh." Why could I so easily identify from her statement from the suffering I alone experience from my abused left ankle that has been broken four times? Kent shared another tone of achievement and encouragement when he posted, " I am trying to get to 170. My A1c is good as well as cholesterol and triglycerides, but I think I would feel better at the 170 mark. I hope we can both keep it up. Diabetes is a terrible disease." Feeling Suzanne's words as Kent's statement rebounded through my head, I had to share with them my feelings about what we were beating around the bush, discussing. Old Age and the resounding effects it was having physically and psychologically on us. It is going to happen to all of us, but here is my resolve and to the best of my ability this is what I chose for me.
I will still not go gentle into that good night. What health challenges are presently laying dormant that will eventually raise its ugly head to torment me, I'm sure, in the winter months of my life. I well know the feeling of those destroyed nerves in my feet, compliments of diabetes. The memory of angina attacks on my 43 year old system 20 years ago are not forgotten. And any day now, I am expecting my pharmacy to honor me with an Alaskan Cruise as I alone pay the annual salary's of two of their pharmacist! But still I will try to offset the inevitable until time expires... That time does approach and health issues have given me subliminal hints as to just how my demise might possibly be entertained. Still I will not rule out the possibility of a motorcycle crash, parachute malfunction or unfortunate snake bite in my back yard. Until whatever or whomever witnesses my last heartbeat, it is my intention to live life the very best I possibly can...
Suzanne immediately responded and said, "Lovely post, Rod, my friend. And, as I used to say in the old days, right on," accompanied by an emoticon smiley face. She finished by saying, "Isn't it good that, no matter what our bodies fail at, we are still young?" And she was absolutely correct! In our hearts, we are what we feel, thus my argument for none of us to go gentle into that good night.
So as to encourage Suzanne and myself, I felt motivated to add, Something is gonna get us, Suzanne... Just live life the best you know how! I try my very best to avoid liberals and keep Linda happy within the co-existence of our shared space. I deliberately shelve the choices and neglect I receive from the children I did my best to raise and enjoy my grand children the best I can until they grow beyond their need for me. The very best time for me and grandchild interaction is when they are potty trained "fully" without chance of accidents and before they reach puberty... For you see, after puberty, it is well advised these brain damaged children heed the warnings of their parents as they caution them of the hazards/dangers this ageing old man could inflict on their present well being if they interject their untrained social skills on seasoned and expected protocols! As long as they come into my presence, remember to bow low in humble humility and respect, might their promise of longevity increase..
Even though I've not seen a picture of the lady, I could imagine Suzanne reading my statement in her late autumn Blue State somewhere up there in the Northeast, smiling as she remarked. "You are so right Rod. I'd love to live my life over again, but I'm content with the way things are. I'm ok with leaving. And I love your assessment of grandchildren. The best thing that ever happened to me, but I will let their parents, my children clean up the poop. Love your assessment !!!! You are so right Rod. I'd love to live my life over again, but I'm content with the way things are. I'm ok with leaving. And I love your assessment of grandchildren. The best thing that ever happened to me, but I will let their parents, my children clean up the poop. Love your assessment!!!! She slipped in on private message the last of our evenings exchange saying, "
No need to reply. Love the way your mind works, Rod. God bless you. Kindred spirit.
As our even closed and chatter diminished toward the 10:00pm hour, Suzanne slipped in her last note to me on private message saying, "No need to reply. Love the way your mind works, Rod. God bless you. Kindred spirit." And I close this first blog entry in November praying just that. May God bless us all...
Posted November 6 from my late evening home.

A photograph from an iPhone just doesn't capture the beauty Intelligent Design allows our eyes to process through visual stimuli. As my cold frosty morning became focused, I marveled at the glistening white frost as it blanketed the grounds. As the rising sun held my River hostage in her morning colors, the warm waters emitted tall towers of water vapor to distill in the 24 degree temperature. As I watched this unfold, I wanted to share it with you. It is beautiful here this morning but even still, I am not sitting here in my car with my windows down and motor turned off listening for my mockingbird! Thanksgiving should be like Veterans Day. Every day of our life. I am speaking of thanksgiving to our Lord God...
Posted November19 from my early morning river
It is a beautiful sunny 50° day here on my patio. As a high-pressure front dominates this fall day, I sit here and listen to the hiss of propane gas and enjoy the smell of my frying turkey as it completes its last few minutes before it's Thanksgiving day serving. As the winds of this dominant front Chills my shaved head, I reflect on the bright colors the leaves of this season's fall has blessed us with. The vibrant reds of the Bradford pear and the yellow tint of the fading Golden Raintree are just a few as my Red Oak drops leaves upon me from this steady breeze. For some reason I have heard the call of the wild geese this year on several occasions as opposed to others, turning my head in their direction to watch the choreographed Vee shape disappear from view. Thanksgiving day. I am content despite the turmoil that exist in our world. I pray all of my friends and acquaintances enjoy the blessings freedom offers and understand in your heart the reason we give thanks for those very blessings.
Posted Thanksgiving Morning November 27
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