My Facebook post from 2013 started in January and ran through the entire year for twelve long months. Friends trying to keep up with it told me it was difficult to start at the beginning of the only "true blog" I keep and arrow down to the last post. This year, I will post my blog from one month to the next as a separate story throughout the 2014 calendar year? If you find yourself remotely interested in what goes on in my thoughts and mind, please take the time to join and let me know you are here. I personally enjoy every fingerprint that is left here and appreciate your comments even more. There are occasional short stories I do post along with my Facebook Quotes Blog so if you have the time to join, again, please do, I am still trying to figure out who my favorite fan actually is. Their name is Anonymous! No last name. Imagine that.
I step out of my car at home after one of the most stressful weeks of my entire life. As I remove my overnight bag and clothes from my car, I move across the sidewalk toward the back entrance of my home in the 63 degree cloudy temperature. As I approach the back French doors of my residence, my mockingbird tells me hello. Was that a brief commentary that tomorrow starts anew? Another star is added to the universe and a sense of security has given me focus... I hope it is sincere. I think I must rest now.
Posted February 1 from my home
This is the month I begin to seek the soft breezes of Spring. As I sat by my river this morning she spoke nothing. It was like I was just another weary traveler sitting beside her slow moving waters. Was she searching my soul for secrets? Where have I been and what is up? I ignored her. I choose not to dwell there yet. What I do know is that we have had for the first time I can remember a winter season in my Louisiana as I would define a winter. For some reason as Pandora Radio steps off my morning parade, five (5) songs have become my most favorite as I park in this phase of my life: Fields of Gold-Sting, Affair on 8th Avenue-Gordon Lightfoot, Wish You were Here-Blackmores Night, I'm Worn-10th Avenue and the one that has touched me the most here recently, And You Let Her Go-Passenger. This last song I listed? The Puppy Love Budweiser Commercial... *smile* Lets do this...
Posted February 3 from my River
I am suffering from a severe case of Seasonal Affective Disorder! Another winter storm is projected for Central Louisiana tomorrow. First sign of sunshine, I am going to the pond that divides my neighborhood and take off my clothes... I am going to enter the water and slowly swim to that floating log where all the turtles gather! Once there I will rise like a creature from the cold waters where I am going to attack them with that relentless passive-aggressive personality I am accused of having. They may leave in hast or I will assist by slinging them to all reaches of that stupid pond! It is then I am going to crawl upon "my" log and soak in the sunshine I so desire until I turn into a raisin. Wondering how long it will take for someone to call the Sheriff's Department to complain about turtle abuse?
Posted February 5 from my home.
And where find ye this day? Do your eyes seek the promise of light from the eastern horizon despite the gloom of winter clouds and downy flake? Or do we cast our gaze upon the floor in hopeless despair and defeat? Lift up your eyes. Look with anticipation upon the gifts we deprive our own self from. Maybe each other? My face is paralyzed, yet when a kiss is pressed against it by adult or child, I feel the full intensity of why I exist as it resonates in my soul. Why is it I feel rejection? May we all realize how wonderful life can be with each passing moment as we allow the Light and those that desire to love us, access to our inner self... Lets do this!
And sometimes the words of confirmation I receive could never be more kind:
Lydia Blades: Just wanted to thank you for your post this morning. I awakened feeling poorly ..migraine pounding and blood pressure up....and though I did not look down at the floor in defeat...I did ask our maker to give me more strength to carry on. I opened my eyes, reached for my laptop and your words were the first I saw. How awesome and amazing that our Father has used you once again to touch my heart....I found the strength and encouragement I was yearning for in your words this morning. Keep writing my have a gift!! Your writings make us laugh and encourage us, too. Either way, you touch our lives and make a difference !!!
Posted February 6 from my river.
A friend of mine posted this on his wall on Facebook: Since now is a point in time, how long is now? Just asking..... I candidly replied with the following:
"Big ring around the moon tonight!!"
Martha Durham Compton: oh yeah and wind chill is 4
My world was dark and drizzly and as much as I love the moon to display her favors upon me, this was not to be mine to savor this night. I shared this on her wall.
Martha Durham Compton: oh yeah and wind chill is 4
My world was dark and drizzly and as much as I love the moon to display her favors upon me, this was not to be mine to savor this night. I shared this on her wall.
Rod Ferguson: There is a moon? Hidden from my hungry eyes. What shame the winter clouds cast as they hide the beauty of the universe from the very eyes created by intelligent design to observe? Help me to understand this shadow is necessary to bring forth the promise of the resurrection we celebrate as spring! It also prepares the fig tree to produce the fruit our hunger desires as the bitter cold passively seduces the roots of said trees as to produce the energy of a bountiful harvest! Let me accept the word of a long time friend of its existence, complete with its large ring! I will sleep and wait to experience the beauty bestowed my friend's eyes as God works his magic under my unsettled misunderstanding of his work. Have no idea where this came from... Night Martha.
Martha Durham Compton: It's a beautiful site our moon. Even more beautiful when the wind isn't so cold as to cause tears in your eyes. Rod did you know the sky is clearer in the winter than in summer? I love gazing at the stars always have and I guess always will. Sweet dreams Rod.
Rod Ferguson: Gentle words that simply confirm a lifetime friendship. Good night dear friend.
Some friendships will never pass... This is one of them.
Posted February 11 from my home
This particular post will never find itself privy to an actual facebook post, but it did happen and had a very profound affect on my existence as a human being. I have debated even including it here in my collection of facebook quotes but where beside a blog could something as profound as this ever be recorded? I know family folklore is passed through generations with nothing more than verbal expressions of collectible experiences deemed worthy of sharing. To me, this particular moment, stapled my heart like nothing before and startled my existence as I resolved to entertain the possibility that "OMG could this be real?" Let me see if I can share it with you and hope you can feel its impact anywhere close to what I did.
It was the onset of the ice storm that surprised Louisiana just before Valentines day of 2014. It was a very busy week for my florist wife and the electricity deprived itself from our home around 1am the morning of 12 Feb. I went to work as usual and came home to check on Linda around 8:30 am before she departed for work. I simply wanted to assure her the roads were safe and to show her up close and personal how to establish WiFi connections for our granddaughter so she could exist peacefully in our generator powered home in our absence. Here is what happened. Stop reading here if you might be offended easily.
My WiFi tower is set up in our cosmopolitan room in a special cabinet designed years ago to house our desk top computer. Knowing Linda was preparing for work I opened the cabinet and reviewed what I wanted to tell her as I called her name. As I stood there, I did what every human being ever created has done as the appointed moment presented itself. I passed gas, compliments of my most approved chef! Thought nothing of it actually. However, as this event came to pass, my sweet bride of 29 years heard my call from the master bathroom where she applied her presentable face in the mirror. Almost immediately she appeared beside me as I proceeded to explain to her how we needed to connect the WiFi to the generator supplied source of power. Into the invisible wall of dispersing hydrogen sulfide did she aptly abide as I explained my concerned focus. What a champion she is. I mean, after 29 years she alone broke me of blatant violations of this nature by exposing me to what would be considered as a "dose of my own medicine." It took her a while to teach me as those knee jerk reactions I displayed upon such encounters that taught me to "respect" those boundaries. In this case, I hoped she might not notice and just talked on...
Upon completing my expose' on what to do, she patiently acknowledged my efforts and turned to return to the bathroom to finish her preparations for work when she made a simple statement. "Honey, you need to brush your teeth. Your breath stinks!" That moment of stunned silence as the realization of what she just said registered in my mind. OMG!!! SLAP ME IN MY PARALIZED FACE!!! I had just (forgive me here) farted and she is telling me my breath smells like shit??? I wanted to die and douche my mouth with gasoline and set myself on fire! Was she serious??? Just casually telling me to just brush my teeth??? I know what I figured she smelled, but what she thought she really smelled, did she really think it smelled like feces? Oh My Gosh! The people I interact with on a daily basis! I wanted to die. Was she teasing me??? I followed her into the bathroom and asked her, "Are you serious, does my breath actually smell like shit?? I just cut the cheese," I protested aloud! She just looked at me like I was crazy as I drank a mouth full of Hydrogen Peroxide and squeezed half a tube of toothpaste into my mouth before assaulting it with what remained of my toothbrush... Two days later I'm still trying to recover from that devastating revelation she casually made. No wonder Meggie fidgets when I kiss her!
Posted February 13 from my generator powered home.
What a refreshing change. I am sitting on my sunny 67° patio and my fat mockingbird glides to a perch in my upright Yaupon just a few feet away. As he sits there observing my existence, he remains silent. I do hear echoes of my favorite bird from time to time so I know spring is coming. Electrical power was restored to my home just this afternoon and as I sit on my patio, I watch Meggie as she cautiously sniffs around my deck trying to make sense of these past few days. I shake my head and laugh out loud. I guess I am too! If any of you stumble across this today? Happy Valentines Day.
Posted February 14 from my patio
Oh yes. She is there. Look carefully. My river has something to share with me this morning but protects her secrets in the dense fog. She leaves me to my own thoughts which is sometimes dangerous.
Picturesque is the reflection of Alexandra off the black ice surface of my river. Across her span a mockingbird greets the graying of day as an overcast day promises the threat of rain. Here at my river it is chilly, humid and zero wind as my flag hangs undisturbed and unmoving around her support pole. Yup. It's gonna rain. I could feel it last night around 2000 hrs or so. I need to get out from under this cold, wet, gray blanket before this rain again consumes me.
Posted February 25 from my River...
A restless sleep propelled me from my bed some 45 minutes earlier than usual. Getting out of bed an hour earlier was much easier than tossing restlessly struggling for what little sleep I had wrestled with since 2am. Regardless, I stumbled to my favorite spot on my river as the crescent moon defined the suns existing position in our solar system. Because of the 27 degree temperature on the outside of my unit, I debated in lowering my windows in order to listen for the voice of my favored Passerine. Slowly as the sun gazed over the eastern horizon, the first thing I noticed was the color of my draw bridge in front of me. The sun slowly began to paint the top of her structure and within a few minutes the copperiest reflection consumed the entire structure. It dawned on me that just maybe God Himself pulled me from my bed early so He could consume me with his Love this very morning. Maybe I wasn't restless at all, I just needed to be held by Him in a way that passes my understanding.
Posted February 27 from my River.
I garnered something very important from a former General of the United States Army. I tell it to friends of mine in political office or that are considering a run. You should not seek the position of elected office, the office or position should seek you! Come on America. Give us one combat veteran of any branch of our Military as a senator for each state. Give us two or more representatives from each state that have answered this nation's call after 9-11 and we will see a CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN!
Folkses, my generation's war was defined by protest and rebellion. The great warriors of that conflict came home scorned simply because they answered the call asked of them by their country. What we see in the majority of the 535 people that lead us today is exactly what the people embraced from that war. Those that ran from the draft with names like Clinton, and those that joined the protesters, draft dodgers and traitors. Does the name John Kerry ring a bell?! NOW, look at this country!! Here is my point. This young warrior, pictured below, who's name I don't even know... LOOK AT HIM!! To me, if there is hope for a return to what we once knew of our America and for her to find the footing it once had, THIS MUST BE A REFLECTION OF THE FACE OF OUR COUNTRY'S FUTURE LEADERSHIP!!! There are thousands of them in every state of this once great Union...
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"Regrets? No Mr. President, none that I can think of." |
Posted February 28 after this picture from SEAL of Honor touched my heart!
Ref 2/1 post - He has promised rest! I like the look and ease of the new blog.
ReplyDeleteAnd so, it is time for rest. Rest well. Rejuvenate your soul and your body and your spirit.,
ReplyDeleteRe 1st Feb post: It most certainly is sincere. Rest, my dear.
ReplyDelete2/3 post- really fine song choices, Rod. And wasn't that puppy commercial just the best? Thanks for sharing the you tube with lyrics. Been thinking of you and hope you are improving. Be good to yourself.
ReplyDeleteRef 2/13 post- I don't offend easily and as I was reading Emily was all up in my business. In a just a minute she began giggling. She laugh so hard her face turned red! Then my son came in the room to see what was so funny. I let him read it silently with the instructions "You are not allowed to say those words." He began to laugh. His favorite part was where you said Linda gave you some of your own medicine. He said, "Momma, that means she farted on him? Right?" Thanks for our laugh for the night!
ReplyDeleteRef 2/18 post - Love the mystery of the fog!